torstai 3. toukokuuta 2012

Interview 2

So this is the second interview time and again I am trying to write this in English and Finnish. This week I am going to interview Mr. Sasha Glavic and Mr. Vili Vuorinen.

Sasha Glavic is more than a teammate he is also my friend and he sits next to me in lunch. Sasha has played football in University of Windsor and after that he was in CFL with Hamilton Tiger-Cats and Saskatchewan Roughriders. He holds both Canadian and Swiss passports like his brother Marko does but this is not about Marko. Sasha has strong fists and he is not afraid to use em if needed.
Sasha and me
How are you Sasha? I am doing fantastic Iiro, thank you for asking.
What is your favorite color? My favorite color is red.
Why does people call you "the Spy"? They have given me this title because on very very rare and extreme cases I will take a gander over to Gralsburg and lurk around there for a little bit. However, I really can not stand that place and the locals do not take kind to my harsh criticism of their town. That´s why a couple locals have labeled me as the Spy.
What is your favorite sound? Listening the Duke fighting for his Duchess.
What kinda music you listen? I love all types of music.
Do you have any idols except me? No, not really.
Do you have any pets? I currently do not have any pets. However, I do love animals. I used to have a dog named Tina, a rabbit named Freddy, a hamster named Eddie, two budgie birds and a few gold fish.
What is your best football memory(not counting when you met me)? I have many good football memories but one in particular was very special. It was my first year here with Broncos and we were playing in the semifinals against a very talented undefeated team from Italy named Parma Panthers. Our starting QB had broke his thumb the week before and everybody I mean everybody counted us out, did not give us one chance to win. Sure enough our team came together, believed in one another and we pulled off a huge victory 42-21. It was a great feeling.
Have you done any other sports than football? Yes, I like to play basketball, I used to play lot of road hockey when I was younger as well as soccer. I was also the MVP when I played volleyball in grade 9. Shout out to my coach Mrs. Powers!!
What is your favorite food and drink? Steak and Crush cream soda.
What are your expectation of this season with the Broncos? To win both Swiss and European Titles and nothing short of that!!
What you know about Helsinki as a city? I visited Helsinki last year and let me tell you, it was just great! The city was beautiful, the nightlife was fantastic, the women were ravishing and Hesburger is phenomenal!
We all know that you know some Finns but what do you think of Finns generally? The Finns are just great! The few Finns that I know are all very nice people. I know they love their Vodka and just recently I found out that at least some of them love to drink a full litre of Vodka before they go to the bar.
Which one would win if a blue jay and a penguin fights? This might be the easiest question I have ever had to answer, The Blue Jay would absolute have his way with the Penguin. Bet ya did not like that one did ya, Contiberg!!!(Well I just spoke with Contiberg and here is his answer to Sasha "That is a bold face lie. The Penguin would dominate it")
This is your 3rd season with the Broncos. Why did you decide to come back? A big reason why I decided to come back to the Broncos was because I love the entire organization top to bottom. The local players are great guys, the management is fantastic and after losing last year in the quarterfinals it left a real soar taste in my mouth and having another opportunity to redeem ourselves, I just could not passed that chance up.
Where are you in 5 years from now? I have no clue where I will be in 5 years from now and I kinda like that!
What are your goals with your life? My goals are to enjoy everyday the best way I can, because tomorrow is never guaranteed.
Do you have any rituals before games? I do not have anything very specific before games, I like to listen to music, conserve my energy and stay relaxed.
Do you have any abnormal hobbies? I do not believe I have any abnormal hobbies!
What is your favorite movie, tv-show, book? I have many favorite movies, one of them would definitely have to be Man on Fire. One of my favorite TV-shows would have to be King of Queens. As far as my favorite book, I do not read as much as I would like to but the last book I was reading was called Deutsch in der Schweiz and needless to say, I gave up on it pretty early.
What are you going to do in Helsinki after our game? After our victory in Helsinki on cinco de Mayo(that means the 5th of May), I intend on celebrating with my teammates and friends like the Finns would do, buy myself a litre of Vodka and hope for the best.
Thank you Sasha for this quality time I spent with you doing this interview.

Ja sitten illan seuraavan vieraan pariin eli nyt vuorossa meidän kaikkien yhteinen ja oma Vili Vuorinen. Rosterissa Vili on numero 75, mutta meidän sydämissä hän on numero 1. Hän edustaa Hyvinkäätä henkeen ja vereen. Vilin motto on "Turha koittaa Hyvinkää voittaa" ainakin jenkkifutiksessa. Vilillä on taskussa monia mestaruuksia Suomesta ja hän on edustanut Suomen maajoukkuetta myös ja oli mukana kääntämässä Suomen kelkan takaisin voittojen tielle Ruotsia vastaan pelatuissa maaotteluissa. Joten enemmittä jorinoitta mennäänpä asiaan.
Vili Vuorinen
Mitä kuuluu Vili? Ihan hyvää, vähän pylly vielä kipeä Sveitsin reissusta.
Minkälaista musiikkia sä kuuntelet? Miltein kaikki maistuu, paitsi teknojumputus ja sukkahousuhewi.
Onko sun kaltasella 5:n mestaruuden miehellä esikuvia? Tietysti itse Iiro Luoto.
Mikä on sun paras jefumuisto? Ensimmäinen Suomenmestaruus!
Mitä lajeja sä oot harrastanut? Judoa, pesäpalloa, jääkiekkoa, koripalloa ja nyt neppaillaan jefua.
Mikä on sun lempiruoka entäs ruokajuoma? Tähän täytyy vastata, että edesmenneen mummon makkarakeitto ja maito.
Millä mielin tulevaan kauteen, jonka pelaat Falconsissa? Hyvin mielin, pojat on reenannu kovaa off-seasonilla ja toivottavasti se näkyy myös kentällä.
Millä mielin tähän tulevaan Broncos-peliin?
Voitto mielessä. Paljon jäi parannettavaa niin henkilö, kuin joukkuekohtaisesti.
Mitä sulle jäi käteen Sveitsin reissusta?(muuta kuin tyhjä lompakko) Kipeitä paikkoja, huono mieli ja helvatun hienot maisemat.
Kumpi voittais taistelun, jos härkä ja sika käy toisiinsa kiinni? Turha koittaa Hyvinkää voittaa!
Mikä sai sut tekämään sopimuksen Wolverineseihin, mikä kattaa vain europelit? Halu menestyä eurokentillä. Uskoin, että meillä on semmonen pakka kasassa, jolla on hyvä mahdollisuus menestyä. Pelkkä europeli sopimus sen takia, koska alkaa ikä jo painamaan ja mikä sen hienompaa, kuin pelata rakastamaansa lajia omassa kotikaupungissaan.
Missä näet itsesi 5 vuoden päästä? Varmaan Perttulan kentänlaidalla huutelemassa junioreille; "Silloin ku minä olin nuori".
Mitkä ovat sun tavoitteet jefu-uralle entä elämälle? Jefutavoitteet on varmaan 1divisioonan ja 2divisioonan voitto Hyvinkäällä. Elämälle varmaan pysyä terveenä, pitää perheelle ruoka pöydässä ja katto pään päällä.
Onko sulla jotain rituaaleja ennen peliä? Ei kyllä löydy yhtään mitään. Mennään pelipaikalle ja hoidetaan homma kotiin.
Miten sä päädyit pelaamaan jefua? Kontiaisen Tero otti mukaan kokeilemaan vuonna 2005 ja sillä tiellä ollaan edelleenkin.
Mikä on sun armeija-arvo? Viestimies, kivenkova sotilaskeittäjä.
Mikä on sun lempielokuva? Lempikirja? Lempi tv-sarja? Lempielokuvista pitää mainita Da Vinci-koodi ja Angels and Demons. Sepon kirja taitaa olla ainoa, minkä oon lukenu alusta loppuun. Lempi tv-sarja on Big bang theory.
Milloin otsikoissa paukkuu? Heti kun tulee doping-testin tulokset.
Tais otsikoissa paukkua jo, mutta kiitos haastattelusta Vili.

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